A humor and art blog consisting of : Art Projects, Original Cartoons, Cigar Box Guitars plus other entertaining Odds & Ends. All content & imagery copyright 2010-2020

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Here is an example of some of the other "fun stuff" I promised you would see in this blog. This is my twist on the "Practice Random Acts of Kindness" bumper sticker. That is a wonderful concept, but I decided to take it a little further. A random act of silliness is easy to do and would bring some much needed levity to the world we live in. This is provided of course that your act of silliness does no harm. Do it just for the pure joy of creating something non-sensical, weird, fun, unexpected, or surreal. Do it for the entertainment of your self and others. We used to do this as kids, didn't we? And remember -- practice makes progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Buck,

    Give us some examples. There is too much pressure to think of something on my own.
